August 26, 2018
Simulator interface and sampled stand maps
Here is a preview of forest sampling simulation software that was developed in collaboration with Forest Modeling Research Cooperative staff and graduate students at Virginia Tech. The software will be presented as a poster and demonstrated at the #SOMENS conference in Blacksburg, VA, on October 28-30. Oral presentations by graduate students Corey Green and Sheng-I Yang will summarize results for different stand conditions and sampling configurations.
The software uses tree size and quality attributes and coordinates generated by PTAEDA 4.1. Random samples, with or without replacement, or systematic samples can be simulated using fixed-area circular, square, or rectangular plots (0.01- to 1.0-acre) or point samples (BAF 5 to 100). Samples can be repeated up to 100 times to generate sampling distributions. Sample-based estimates can be compared to known population values based on all trees.
The example shows the sample configuration interface and randomly-selected circular, square, and point sampling units in a loblolly pine plantation with 10×10 ft spacing. Green circles represent live trees, yellow “+”s represent the center of each sampling unit, and red circles represent trees included on each sampling unit.