This tab is used to filter the generated yields by age and 1 or 2 additional filters. Yields should be subjected to quality control after calculating yields and before creating formatted yield tables.
The Age of Comparison limits the QC checks to a specific age (default=25). The 2 additional data filters are selected from the following variables: Observed (or expressed) SI, TPA, BA, QMD/Dq, Merchantable Volume, and Mean Annual Increment. The comparison operator is selected from <=, <, =, >, and >=. A numeric value should be entered for the comparison value. If the comparison value is left blank, the filter is ignored. After setting one or both filters, click the “Export query results” button to save the filtered yields. The exported file will be located in the same folder as the output database, and the file name consists of the output database name (without “.accdb”) with “_QCData_” and the date (“mmddyy” format) and time (“hhmms” format) appended to the end.
Example to select Observed SI values greater than 55 and Mean Annual Increment greater than or equal to 3.5.
Format of Excel workbook and output generated by the post-growth QC checks.