Dbh distributions for genetically improved planations in GML

July 16, 2018


Predicted dbh distributions by PRS score

Here is a sneak peek of a new growth and yield feature for genetically improved families in GML 1.3, which will be released in the near future. Diameter distributions and product yields can be predicted by using genetics performance rating systems, which typically consist of productivity, rust resistance, and straightness.

The example shows dbh distributions for unthinned loblolly pine (age 25, site index 75, 8×10 ft spacing) with several productivity ratings. Using a set of preliminary functions, maximum dominant height and basal area response increase with increasing site index and productivity rating, and the maximum response occurs at age 30. As the productivity rating increases, dbh distributions shift to larger diameters and chip-n-saw and sawtimber yield increases by about 10%, or 35 tons/acre. Depending on the rust and straightness ratings, a portion of the potential solid wood products can be reallocated to pulpwood or non-merchantable volume.

Product distribution by PRS score