GENS consists of volume growth functions for natural stands of pine, pine-hardwoods, upland hardwoods, and bottomland hardwoods (including cypress). Yield tables can be produced with client-specified format.

ModelIDs used in GENS

ModelID Description
BH Bottomland Hardwoods, including cypress
UH Upland Hardwoods
PH Pine-Hardwood
NP Natural Pine

Inputs are supplied to GENS by importing an Excel workbook as the batch file template.  Required initial data for each stand includes: StandID; site index (base age 50); initial age; initial volume by product and species group; maximum age; and ModelID.  Optional data include trees/acre and basal area/acre. Yield tables can be produced with client-specified format.

GENS batch template

Field Description
StandID Stand name (1 – 60 characters)
Age Initial age (years)
SI Site index (base age 50)
PPW Initial pine pulpwood (tons/acre)
PCS Initial pine chip-n-saw (tons/acre)
PST Initial pine sawtimber (tons/acre)
HPW Initial hardwood pulpwood (tons/acre)
HST Initial hardwood sawtimber (tons/acre)
CPW Initial cypress pulpwood (tons/acre)
CST Initial cypress sawtimber (tons/acre)
MaxAge Maximum age for growth (years)
ModelID BH=bottomland hardwood; UH=upland hardwood; PH=pine-hardwood; and NP=natural pine
TPA Initial trees/acre (optional)
BA Initial basal area/acre (optional)

Volume growth of each species group and product is obtained by applying a compounded growth rate calculated from initial volume and volume for the grown age and site index.  Cypress volume is grown for only the bottomland hardwood ModelID; for all other ModelIDs, cypress volume is added to hardwood volume before growth. Dominant height, trees/acre, basal area/acre, quadratic mean dbh, MAI, and CAI can also be exported.

Initial values and grown volume by species group and age are stored in the NaturalStands and NaturalStands_Growth tables, respectively, in an Access project database (*.accdb) or in SQL Server.

NaturalStands_Growth table in SQL Server and exported workbook that includes optional data

Example of a yield table formatted for Woodstock