Batch processing is implemented by leaving the Stand Name field blank.  This enables the Select batch spreadsheet button in the Check and Import Batch File section on the Run GLM tab. Users will be prompted to select an Excel worksheet (described below) consisting of 2 or more stands to be either updated or to have yields generated.

When using batch mode, all data except for options and product specs are provided to the application by using a single worksheet, “OneTabInput,” in an Excel workbook (*.xlsx format only). Templates of the batch files are provided.  If all stands in a batch file are to be thinned to the same specs, then the specs. can be entered on Thinning tab of the user interface and omitted from the batch file.

When Batch File Checking Options are enabled on the Options tab of the user interface, a series of data consistency checks are run against batch files before the output database can be created.  Errors are likely to cause GML to abnormally end, while warnings may cause illogical or invalid results.  After running the data checks, a summary of data issues is provided.  Users are prompted to generate an error report and stop GML, which allows data issues to be resolved, or to continue or disregard errors, which allows a project database to be created.

Clicking the NO button allows an output database to be created for the project.  If the YES button is clicked, an Excel workbook is created to provide details of errors and warnings, including the data tab, row number, name of the variable with an issue, and a description of the issue.

Example of error messages generated by the data checking procedures

Example of warning messages generated by the data checking procedures

The following table lists and defines fields in the single batch worksheet “OneTabInput”.  Data in the batch worksheet are organized by sections corresponding to tabs on the GML interface.

  Field name Description
StandID * Stand identifier (max. 65 characters)
Species * L=Loblolly, S=Slash, P=Longleaf, H=Hardwoods
PhysRegion * L=Lower Coastal Plain, U=Upper Coastal Plain, P=Piedmont, G= Texas Gulf Coast , W=Eastern Texas
StandInfo section GrowthType P=inventory projection and update, Y=yield table generation
GrowTo_MaxAge Maximum age to grow for updated stands or yield tables
Spodosol Spodic horizon present (CRIFF C and D soil groups) (True/False)
P_def Phosphorus deficient soil (True/False)
GrassComp Competition from grass (True/False)
Genetics 1=1.0 gen; 2=1.5 gen; 3=2.0 gen; 4=2.5 gen; 5=3.0 gen; and 6=MCP
StandData section InitAge Initial age (years)
InitTPA Initial pine trees/acre–pine stands only
InitBA Initial pine basal area–pine stands only (ft2/acre)
BaseSI_DomHt Base site index (base age 25 for pine, 50 for hardwoods) or observed dominant height
UseDomHt Dominant height (ft) entered (True/False)
PctHBA Percentage of total basal area in hardwoods– pine stands only
InitPPW Initial pine pulpwood (tons)
InitPCS Initial pine chip-n-saw (tons)
InitPST Initial pine sawtimber (tons)
HdwdTPA Initial hardwood trees/acre–hardwood stands only
HdwdBA Initial hardwood basal area–hardwood stands only (ft2/acre)
InitHPW Initial hardwood pulpwood (tons)
InitHST Initial hardwood sawtimber (tons)
MatchVol Match initial volume in yield tables using 10-year interpolation (True/False)
Silviculture section silvCHSP Chemical site preparation (True/False)
silvBED Bedded (regions L and G) (True/False)
silvTILL Tilled (regions U, P, and W only) (True/False)
silvHWCB Herbaceous weed control-banded (True/False)
ilvHWCC Herbaceous weed control-broadcast (True/False)
silvTPF0 Phosphorus only applied at time of planting (True/False)
silvTPF1 Nitrogen and phosphorus applied at time of planting (True/False)
silvJUF0 Phosphorus only applied at juvenile fertilization (ages 3-10) (True/False)
silvJUF1 100-200 lbs N+P applied at juvenile fertilization (ages 3-10) (True/False)
silvJUF2 200-300 lbs N+P applied at juvenile fertilization (ages 3-10) (True/False)
ageJUVF Plantation age at juvenile fertilization (ages 3-10) (years)
silvRLSW Release from woody vegetation (ages 6 and older) (True/False)
silvRLSB Midrotation brush control (ages 6 and older) (True/False)
ageRLSE Plantation age at time of release or midrotation brush control (years)
Thinning section ThinType Specify thinning limit on the basis of basal area (BA) or trees/acre (TPA)
FertRate Specify fertilizer rates in terms of lbs of elements (Elem) or lbs of product (Prod)
PrevThin Stand was previously thinned; apply selection thinning (True/False)
ThinNoFert Generate yields for unfertilized and thinned stands (True/False)
minThinAge1 Minimum age of first thinning window
maxThinAge1 Maximum age of first thinning window
thinLimit1 Thinning limit for first thinning window
Fert1 Fertilize at first thin (True/False)
Nrate1 Nitrogen rate (lbs) at first thin
Prate1 Phosphorus rate (lbs) at first thin
minThinAge2 ** Minimum age of second thinning window (loblolly and longleaf pine only)
maxThinAge2 ** Maximum age of second thinning window
thinLimit2 ** Thinning limit for second thinning window
Fert2 ** Fertilize at second thin (True/False)
Nrate2 ** Nitrogen rate (lbs) at second thin
Prate2 ** Phosphorus rate (lbs) at second thin

**=Second thin available for loblolly and longleaf pine only